Unstick being stuck. here are a couple ways to find Motivation.

Akkk, here I go again. Talking about motivation or lack there of. I wanted to talk about this, motivation I mean, because I have been struggling with the hard stuff and now wondering if that is what is causing the lack of motivation?

I mean I thought I had clarity on my goals so why then is the driving force not driving?

Unstick my Stuck! Is the lack of motivation, being stuck?

And if so, and motivation is the driving force to our behavior,
Is it the same as the lack of will power?

I really do not like feeling sluggish and unmotivated. It really harps on my mood. Lately focus has held me back. I feel excited about an idea and then many ideas start forming deriving from that one and my head starts to get overloaded and I then crash. I know that organizing all my goals would be a good start, but I am not motivated to start. What is it about my goals that are not allowing me to be achievable? Where is then, the drive?

For Example:

I really want to start an exercise program as I am noticing my age and physical presence taking a toll. Where I used to be quite fit and slender, I cannot say that is the case anymore. Changes have happened, and the body took a shift.

OK so no problem

I’ll take on the first task and that is eating better right? Sure, more vegetables, less fat, less carbs, more fiber. I think I am doing this and yet gaining weight. OK no problem,

So I try a different approach, do some research and try again. Still bloated and still gaining weight. OK so no problem

I make a doctors appointment and get blood work done, ultrasound, and internal exam. Make sure everything is medically taken care of, and all is good. So why the lack of energy, motivation, the willing to get unstuck?

And here lies the problem

Because the goals I have laid out for myself are to hard for me to achieve at this time and therefore I get discouraged easier. If I set up smaller goals then I am thinking I will achieve success and motivation will follow

When will it get easier though?

They use to say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Then it was more like 6 weeks, and now I’ve read, 66 days. So I am about to get started on some sort of diet and exercise program and feeling discouraged. How am I going to last 66 days? I know I can form a habit…but 66 days!!

What is Motivation?

Motivation is a drive within our body and mind. It is a feeling of excitement, energy and enthusiasm that is inspired by our passions but also for our need for survival and growth. It also is based on relevancy, for example, how we live and where our interests are. It is those positive feelings that keep us continuing forward. When we feel happiness and success we feel driven, so this allows us to keep going and not quit. In order to keep achieving goals you need motivation as motivation is what helps you work through the tough stuff and keep growing.

Perfectionism and Motivation

As a recovering perfectionist I find that the mental ability to be driven or motivated towards something that is not driven by my need for survival is overrun by my will to avoid and procrastinate. The 2 things fight with each other in my head and as my need to survive verses my need to grow continues to battle, I find myself working extra hard to push myself through those psychological barriers.

If I can start my day with all the right tools and with achievable goals then I find myself sticking with whatever it is I am aiming to motivate myself to do. Some of these tools work and some need more practice. I say practice, practice, practice all the time. I am not going to tell what to do, only what has worked for me and what I have tried.

First what are the reasons you want to be motivated?

I found that my drive to keep working long hours or work multiple jobs is driven by money and survival. I want to keep my kids healthy and safe so I find motivation in them. I also REALLY REALLY want to work from home and create more freedom for myself. So that goal is a high motivator. Make sure your reasons for achieving the goal are thought out and it something you really want.

Make a List

Make a list of goals, then start with one. I have a list of goals which I put in order of importance. I know that having too many goals adds to my overwhelm so I start with one and put a timeline on it. I try and focus on the one and accomplish it before moving onto another. This is very hard for me as I am not always very patient.

Small Goals in list of importance

Start with small steps and achievable moves. There is no point in setting myself up for failure. The hard part is because of my impatience, I start hard and go head on, only to crash after a few weeks because I am burnt out. Instead set up smaller goals within the the one, and take baby steps to achieve it. I wanted to work out so I am going to work out with no equipment every day for 20 min in my room on my yoga mat. I do not beat myself up if I achieve only half the movements, as long as I am trying for 20 min. For you it might be working out for 5 to 10 minutes and doing one movement. Whatever it is, just start.

Make sure you write down your goals on a piece of paper or in a book.

Write goals down, have a visual. I tend to write out my goals and even put pictures up of how I want things to look etc. I look for inspiration and start writing a plan. I find that if I plan out the goal and make a date I increase my excitement because I can see a focus start.

It is OK to not be perfect.

Give yourself permission to not be perfect. I always want to go full on and get everything done right away. Patience.

Remind yourself of the end goal. I keep telling myself that results are going to pay off. I refocus myself and try and to see those benefits that had me excited in the first place. Sometimes I even set myself up to try a bunch of small achievable goals so I feel that success right away.

There are many other tricks and tips, these are the fast and furious ones that work for me right away. One last thing I try to do also is stick with people who are likeminded. I find that positive feeds positive and changing negative thoughts to positive ones is just another way to stay motivated.

In the meantime, stay real, have courage and always be kind.

Follow me on other social media and share if you know someone who could benefit from a few tips of motivation.

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