Anxiety About Time Wasting? What Do Experts Tell Us To Do?

It is 1 O’oclock and I start to feel heart palpatations as I think wholly, I have so much to do and I don’t know where to start. Pause…

I have been sleeping a lot lately. Not 100% sure why, and I will keep you posted as I figure that part out. However, I woke up on my Sunday which I literally block off just for blogging and find myself thinking I can’t take the time as I need to do all this other stuff.

How does it make me feel?


I have know idea why I get this fast heart rate and this weird thought process where a little voice in my head says, Kelllie get up and do your chores, or plan your week, or do the laundry, etc.


So…….How do I stay present and focused? I mean I’ve read that you just need to change your mindset. Or, block off chunks of time in your day or schedule designated for what you want, work hard, be disciplined, wholly crap!

For me it really is not that easy to just focus for 2 hours on something new and hard and unknown to me. I find myself taking so much time to understand the jargon of instruction while trying to be optimistic and risk taking with stepping outside my comfort zone and trying something new.


So here’s the thing. I know I can learn how to get organized. I mean if I want to be successful and independent then at some point I need to learn how to do this. It’s the one bridging step that I keep struggling with and that is this block or fear of failure that internally I know, is unrealistic, yet it stays there in my thoughts, preventing me from moving forward.

Is it worry, this fear of the unknown?
How do we trust our instincts? How do we refocus on following our dreams yet stay focused on the needs of your current situation? I do I deal with my time anxiety and realize that time is never going away, you have no control of its speed, and realize what you have control over are the choices you make moving forward.

This article explains a lot of truth in this feeling of time slipping away. You can read the full article here:

This is what worked for me.

~I decided to accept that I have no control over time. I use a timer to help me relax and stay focused and manage time without getting distracted.

~I have a few easy tasks to do through out the day to make my day feel productive.

~Since I know that I struggle with time. I blocked off a whole day for the computer. I just need to remind myself that I will succeed and I told myself that a slow and steady pace is the way to go.

~I remind myself that even though I am frustrated and may have wasted some time, that it is ok and allow myself to be mad at myself and then get reinvested.

~”If we take care those moments, years will take care of themselves” writer Maria Edgeworth wrote back in the 1800s: (taken from the article by blog

~Telling myself that I made these decisions so I could live the life I am working towards. To stop second guessing myself.

I’m not unrealistic though…

Now lets not be unrealistic either when I say that sometimes this is really hard to do. Especially if we have been taught to think a certain way or perhaps our family environment exhibited anxiety and stress. There, doesn’t necessarily have to be a reason why, rather an awareness that you are struggling with time and to find a way to calm yourself during that anxious moment. What solutions are there?

I have read and so many times it is information about what anxiety is and of course the standard recipes for finding your calm. Let’s just start by saying that if one can connect with music and find their jive then it is a start to releasing those chemicals in the brain that we need to give us that sense of empowerment and energy.

Never give Up!

I remember saying to my mom recently that what I find discouraging is that here I am trying to take risks because I know that growth comes with being and feeling uncomfortable. So I jump right in and think I am doing all the right things and then there seems to be more obstacles, and find myself wondering am I stupid? Why the heck can’t I understand this or get this?

Sometimes the universe just keeps handing out these obstacles so that you can find a path the works for you and maybe even make you ask for help.

Embrace the situation and embrace the ideas and solutions and focus less on the problems.


Let me know what you you think?

Follow me on other social media like Instagram and Facebook. thanks for stopping by, in the meantime stay real, stay positive and never give up!

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