projects, music, self-care, social media

We waste a lot of Time...

projects, music, self-care, social media

We waste a lot of Time...

akkk... perfectionism/procrastination, which one wins?

Let's really think about this.

Do you think people care that you put in extra time adjusting measurements or rewriting an article to make it seem perfect?

The Importance of Doing your Best

What is important to you might not be important to someone else. “In the eyes of the beholder.”

I remember a time in college during a discussion about growth, kids, and development in schools. How anxiety has increased and keeps increasing in schools and in young people in general. Parents can be hard on their kids because they brought a C+ home. If it was their best, then seriously, what is wrong with a C+?

A ‘C+’ is not failure!

Ask yourself

Is spending the extra time worth it in the end?
Will someone notice that extra effort or time you put in?
If YES, then, of course, go for it.
If NOT, then give yourself a break.
You cannot be great at everything.
Try to be consistent.
Ask yourself what the trade offs are, whether they are worth the effort, and whether they will interfere with your final project.


Keep yourself accountable.

If something is to overwhelming, then that’s the time to take on one very small challenge and don’t stop until its done.

I like to chunk off time for myself so that I do not get carried away. For example, I give myself Sunday mornings to have a leisurely coffee, visit my mom, or just spend time with myself. This way, I don’t feel like I forgot myself, and I don’t spend too much time on one single project. It also allows me to say “no” when asked for my time on that day. Kind of like an excuse.

I know successful people who have just finished school. They aced everything, were able to finish on time, and seemed to know exactly where and what they were doing with their lives. That doesn’t mean everyone knew what they were doing, and it also doesn’t mean they ended up being successful.
There is a continuum baseline for a reason, and there is nothing wrong with “good achievement” instead of “perfect achievement.”

It does not have to be a perfect achievement. Adaptive Perfectionism

Now don’t get me wrong. An excellent achievement is great. I am simply saying that if you are striving for excellence or perfection at the expense of happiness and it causes stress and, in the end, low achievement, then what is the point of putting in more time to be perfect? Which I might add is not achievable. Especially if it is simply in your own eyes. You are to do your best.
When I do a random project, I am routinely on a time schedule. If I spend to much time trying to make something how I think others want my project to look, then I miss the point and possibly forget other important pieces of my life that are fulfilling.

Be creative and find your groove

Grasping the role of a perfectionist can be both an awesome attribute or a curse. As a recovering perfectionist I am always on the look out for creative and new ways to find my groove in all different areas of my life. 

From Random projects to the DIY endeavours I may find myself diving into, I am usually treading through new territory, like situations I am not familiar with. I have a tad MacGyver attitude especially when doing some of my projects. Always looking for scraps to put something together. Give each task my best effort pouring energy into whatever I challenge myself to.
By practicing I realized that imperfection can be a beautiful thing and pushing boundaries can be about exploring new possibilities. Just get empowered for petes sake, and find a growth mindset.

Love you guys. You are here because you are curious so, be honest with yourself.’

Self-care and Favorite Stuff

Self care is essential especially for those of us who struggle with perfectionism. As a perfectionist its easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of striving for what ever we consider to be impeccable of every aspect of our lives.

It is so important to remember that taking care of ourselves is not just something we want but rather a necessity. My favourite key things to do are walks in nature, long walks on the beach, road trips, trips in general. Mindfulness, organizing, journaling and anything creative from painting to building. Setting time aside for activities is so important. Read a good book even. As a recovering perfectionist, I find myself needing to remind myself that I am not being selfish for taking time to recharge and to maintain healthy work-life balance.

A good routine requires practice and ACTION and with better self care practices we can tame our perfectionist tendencies. 

which one wins?

Let's really think about this.

Do you think people care that you put in extra time adjusting measurements or rewriting an article to make it seem perfect?

The Importance of Doing your Best

What is important to you might not be important to someone else. “In the eyes of the beholder.”

I remember a time in college during a discussion about growth, kids, and development in schools. How anxiety has increased and keeps increasing in schools and in young people in general. Parents can be hard on their kids because they brought a C+ home. If it was their best, then seriously, what is wrong with a C+?

A ‘C+’ is not failure!

Ask yourself

Is spending the extra time worth it in the end?
Will someone notice that extra effort or time you put in?
If YES, then, of course, go for it.
If NOT, then give yourself a break.
You cannot be great at everything.
Try to be consistent.
Ask yourself what the trade offs are, whether they are worth the effort, and whether they will interfere with your final project.


Keep yourself accountable.

If something is to overwhelming, then that’s the time to take on one very small challenge and don’t stop until its done.

I like to chunk off time for myself so that I do not get carried away. For example, I give myself Sunday mornings to have a leisurely coffee, visit my mom, or just spend time with myself. This way, I don’t feel like I forgot myself, and I don’t spend too much time on one single project. It also allows me to say “no” when asked for my time on that day. Kind of like an excuse.

I know successful people who have just finished school. They aced everything, were able to finish on time, and seemed to know exactly where and what they were doing with their lives. That doesn’t mean everyone knew what they were doing, and it also doesn’t mean they ended up being successful.
There is a continuum baseline for a reason, and there is nothing wrong with “good achievement” instead of “perfect achievement.”

It does not have to be a perfect achievement. Adaptive Perfectionism

Now don’t get me wrong. An excellent achievement is great. I am simply saying that if you are striving for excellence or perfection at the expense of happiness and it causes stress and, in the end, low achievement, then what is the point of putting in more time to be perfect? Which I might add is not achievable. Especially if it is simply in your own eyes. You are to do your best.
When I do a random project, I am routinely on a time schedule. If I spend to much time trying to make something how I think others want my project to look, then I miss the point and possibly forget other important pieces of my life that are fulfilling.

Be creative ... ~find your groove

Grasping the role of a perfectionist can be both an awesome attribute or a curse. As a recovering perfectionist I am always on the look out for creative and new ways to find my groove in all different areas of my life. 

From Random projects to the DIY endeavours I may find myself diving into, I am usually treading through new territory, like situations I am not familiar with. I have a tad MacGyver attitude especially when doing some of my projects. Always looking for scraps to put something together. Give each task my best effort pouring energy into whatever I challenge myself to.
By practicing I realized that imperfection can be a beautiful thing and pushing boundaries can be about exploring new possibilities. Just get empowered for petes sake, and find a growth mindset.

Love you guys. You are here because you are curious so, be honest with yourself.’

Self-care and Favorite Stuff

Self care is essential especially for those of us who struggle with perfectionism. As a perfectionist its easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of striving for what ever we consider to be impeccable of every aspect of our lives.

It is so important to remember that taking care of ourselves is not just something we want but rather a necessity. My favourite key things to do are walks in nature, long walks on the beach, road trips, trips in general. Mindfulness, organizing, journaling and anything creative from painting to building. Setting time aside for activities is so important. Read a good book even. As a recovering perfectionist, I find myself needing to remind myself that I am not being selfish for taking time to recharge and to maintain healthy work-life balance.

A good routine requires practice and ACTION and with better self care practices we can tame our perfectionist tendencies. 

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