Patience or Excuse, patience as an excuse, which one is it?

Oh my Gawd, I want to talk about patience. So lets talk about it.

There are so many ways I believe we can look at patience. When people I know or don’t know say “relax, just be patient”, I get annoyed from them just saying that to me and then my “passionate” self comes out and I am no more patient then I was a moment ago, however now, I find myself just that much more irritated.

What is patience?

For me having patience is having the ability to tolerate a behavior that you are not accustomed to dealing with, or its something that doesn’t sit well with you, or in other times, you simply do not have any control over the situation and therefore need to have patience within.

Let me Ask you…

How many of you have told yourself to cut yourself some slack when something doesn’t go right?

How many of you have friends that tell you to cut yourself some slack when you are seemingly upset about either something that you did or something that had happened?

So now, let me ask you, Is cutting yourself some slack an excuse or another way of saying you need to be patient with yourself?

I am totally OK with admitting that I’ve said to myself, ‘Oh Kellie, cut yourself some slack you work hard etc.’ at times because I am looking for an excuse because something is not going well and I feel uncomfortable and want an out. I think at that moment it is hard to realize something is not going well, and I may be seeking validation for whatever it is I need in that moment.

Criticism and Distorted thinking

I like to say that I welcome criticism, although lets face it, receiving criticism with the head is hard and usually perfectionists take things personally. So I decided that I would work on this. I am now aware of my distorted thinking and can stop myself from acting with impulse on it, however the part where I am still thinking in a distorted way, still there.

I do want people to have compassion when they speak to me my truth and I am working on hearing people with an open mind as if I take things personally, I am making the problem about me, when that is farthest from the truth. If I am acting irrationally about something, then I am not having patience, if I can remain calm and think with an open mind then I am able to receive the information being said to me clearer.

There is a quote I just find funny but true.

Patience is a procrastinators excuse!

The rebuttal is, The secret of success is to procrastinate the procrastination.

Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams. ~ Ray Davis
We are not to just wallow in what we think we don’t know or where we think we need to be in life. I know I have added pressure unto my sons to be looking for something to do and find their dream job or go back to school etc. The thing is, I didn’t know either and I know more now then I did then. So of course we want to pass that information on to those trying to figure out their own path.

What I Do

One thing I try and catch myself doing more is making an excuse for not doing. Instead I am actively going to try and just do. That being anything I put off doing. Even if its just a little bit. Its interesting as I was speaking with a friend about this and we were talking about having self awareness and knowing logically what is right or what logically makes sense, but then also realizing that your thought process is still happening, you just have full control over it. I find it extra interesting as I am always looking for the “why” am I thinking something especially when it triggers anxiety or negative doubt being, self doubt and negative thinking.

I just keep telling myself, I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful for where I live and that I was born into the life I have. I know what I want my end goal to be therefore I am just going to keep trying. I know I am out there, I know that someone somewhere is reading this and saying yes to many of the things I mentioned and I say we need to stop being so hard on ourselves, and cut ourselves some slack.

Be patient and stop making excuses for being stagnant.

Many website are giving advice and I want to give advice based on what I have tried and how it has worked for me. Leave a comment below if any of this resonates with you and or you can relate. In the meantime, stay real, be positive and never give up!

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