Refocus when life throws you a Curveball. 3 main ways I overcome feelings of Overwhelm.

So here we are 2021, and I am at that stage again of overwhelm and decision making I don’t want to do. I really wanted to touch base on the whole ideal of resolutions. I call it making goals, because when I set resolutions I feel my perfectionist step in. I put pressure on myself and feelings of failure if I don’t follow through. Making goals with a timeline allows me to push myself in forward thinking.

Now as much as I would love to just blog for a living I am not there. yet

I have had to be really honest with myself. I mean when people blog articles, they are usually very informative. I have learned amazing things from following others online.
However, and there is that, HOWEVER….

What does one do with the information they learn? That is the question.

I do have a couple of money earning gigs as well as my full time job as an Educational Assistant, however, it still doesn’t seem to be enough. seriously, I am house poor. Yes the house has doubled in value, however, the amount of people living in has also doubled. With that comes expenses and then throw in life expenses adding a whole other element to house poor.

I do find myself in a situation though that requires planning. I am 50 almost 51 and I already know I do not want to work the rest of my life. For me retirement is having the choice of whether I want to work or not. Not needing that paycheck traded by time to survive. I want to travel, enjoy my kids, and maybe even grandkids, who knows. I also really enjoy spending time at my home on the deck, reading and dreaming.

Society tells us through social media that we have to be a certain way and really, it is up to us to decide whether to believe it or not.

I recently had to get my car fixed and it really set me back financially. The whole dashboard would light up whenever I hit the breaks. I paid $250 at one mechanic and they couldn’t figure it out so referred me to Kia. I went there was quoted $1100 but presented with a bill of $1500. I literally started to cry and within minutes my bill was lowered. But seriously? Why the heck did that even happen? Charge me for diagnostic even after I gave you my business?

Like, Come on!!!

And to top it all off, after all that, the next day my car still not working correctly. Dashboard lit up again. Like seriously WTF!

Another thing, in the above paragraph, I spoke about not having resolutions. That is when I wonder, why don’t I have discipline. Or is it Motivation? Is it really Overwhelm?

I mean what do you all do with a lack of motivation? I mean the desire is there, to gain progressively financially and the have the work life balance, and the energy to enjoy all the wonders life has to offer. The however, though, is when all of the desires and all of the wills, and wants, blend in with the needs and requires.

I have decided that my goals needed to be revamped and so here are
my 3 motivating ways to beat the darned overwhelm.

First, before I go into my 3 ways…I wanted to mention that motivation is different for everyone. Just like the goals are different for everyone. I am determined to not work past 58, and so I am raising children, helping my mom, and trying to build retirement with my knowledge and within my own capabilities and small pushes. If you are a person who has goals, maybe my tips can help you too. Let me know in the comments below if anything resonates with you and please feel free to share your ideas. Love a community of tips. we can all benefit.

3 ways to start beating the feelings of overwhelm

1. Put on Music, whatever gets your groove on. Now I realize some people like dead quiet. And there are those moments that if in the right setting, I love the quiet as it helps me refocus. Music though, when I am feeling overwhelmed I try and find a good playlist and play music. Our house is small and I do not live alone, so blasting music unless headphones on, is not appreciated. Yet there is something about music that just lets you be in the moment.

2. Make a list, and then make a plan. Having some deadlines to certain tasks allows you to not have to remember everything and keep out of the overload. now when you make the list, its one thing however, planning on when to do the list takes some practice. I literally book time in my calendar to do each task. Its the impatience that gets me. so still practicing.

3. Take time for yourself. This is a doozy as I don’t always do this. I have heard through the years, that working more really is less productive. We have heard, I am sure, that 4 day work week to have work/life balance is healthier. It is society that makes it challenging to afford to live in this sort of balance financially and this is what I am trying to achieve. Work/life balance.
Theory for me, small term pain for long term gain. So a walk, meditation, reading, beach, whatever it is to help you stay balanced. I take time at the beach, and I am fortunate that my extra work allows me to have down time.

Things still to work on. For me is sleep. I seem to still struggle with time and filling it out of necessity. I start to feel resentful that I even have to consider working extra jobs away from my family to make ends meet. I try and include my family in my decisions and get their feedback. I do not have to pay for daycare so this is an advantage. They know it is for them and as long as they are independent and I am able to be present in moments of the day then I can get through anything.

Well, I do have other strategies but these are the ones that bring me back to reality. I will keep you posted on things that are working. Until then stay real, be positive and never give up!

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