Resilience in its finest form. How to cut yourself some slack.

I sit here on the computer Sunday afternoon, and you are either, on your mobile, tablet or computer/laptop, browsing through hundreds of posts, wondering what everyone is up to, or what to buy, or the latest trends, or the latest gossip, or whatever interests you have at the time, maybe even wasting time.

How can adversity push you through?

I did a lot of wondering around mentally today. Felt like wasting time and very non productive. Part of the mental block came from not know what to write, and how can I say what is going on and how I turned it around, so that you might benefit from this. I have a bunch of things to do but didn’t feel motivated to attempt any. There are a couple of things I needed to do and so they got done, however the motivation was so lacking.

I decided I would keep this post short and sweet and get right to the point.

When we feel a lack of motivation, what do you do?

I find that my lack of motivation derives from 3 main issues.

  1. I am afraid to start.
  2. Tell myself lies
  3. Creating problems where there weren’t any

so Resilience

How do we build resilience when we lack motivation? Inaction as they say.
Honestly, I think motivation and resilience go together and it is a matter of finding the right coping strategy, that works for you.

Rewriting the narrative
When I was younger and had a bad dream, I read somewhere that if you wake up and rewrite the dream to have a positive outcome, you will not be afraid or the dream becomes more manageable. I am thinking we somehow rewrote our subconscious mind to believing something else therefore attacking the negative thoughts we were having.

As we say you manifest what you think. Our actions define our destiny and it is only us that have control over ourselves. There are of course underlying circumstances for some situations such as a medical challenge or diagnosis. I am speaking from a more general point of view. I read in Mark Manson’s book ‘”The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck“, a quote that I really like:

The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.

so in other words…

Wanting positive experience is a negative experience;
accepting negative experience is, in itself,
a positive experience. (Manson, 2016, p. 9).

keep things in perspective
I definitely struggle here still. I have said this before, creating more problems and blowing them out of perspective does not serve a purpose really. if we can step back and take a moment to give yourself some time to process your thoughts and then respond. Stuff happens, life happens and sometimes things go beyond your control. When stress kicks you in the ass, finding even small ways to look towards things, your circumstances, that will help you grow confidence and make you feel happier, then I suggest that.

Always Try
Even when my boys were little, I said to them, No way can you say you don’t like it when you haven’t even tried it!
This is by far the hardest thing to stay positive about and finally taking the plunge. I had tried blogging 3 times and it wasn’t until the third time, when I went public. I still have tons to learn and improvements to make. Hence why I am talking to you all!

In the end, really all this is, is a reminder of what main blocks keep us from moving forward and if we really focus, this all can be achieved. However, you need to take care of yourself and ultimately build your own resilience and find strategies that work for you. and help you move forward with confidence.

In the meantime, stay real, stay positive and never give up!

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