Staying Committed no matter what. 3 ways I stay on track

In general I think I show up every day and try, which isn’t always as easy as it seems. I find myself reading other peoples blogs and seeing their work and wonder, OMG, will I ever get there? Will I be smart enough to learn all this techy stuff? Will I have enough confidence to step outside my comfort zone? Will I be OK with constructive criticism? Can I keep my mouth shut?

SO, my people, my tribe. How in the world is it that so many opinions and so many emotions and so many feelings, or lack there-of, get so mixed and mingled that a person can have nothing to be happy about? Or How is it that the emotion anger, can stir a satisfaction for someone, enough so that they live a life of hate and misery? or How so much insecurity and anxiety is out there around body image, sexual orientation, productivity, financial status etc.? The list goes on.

How do we stay authentic, insightful, real, and mindful?

As soon as you find out please let me know in the comments below, because it really just bamboozles me on how crazy the world is and how the human species thinks.

Now for me, and the reason I started blogging in the first place, is to have a place to sort my thinking and share that process with whoever thinks they can benefit, learning with me, a different mindset. I will admit openly and honestly, it is a constant work in progress.

Of course in order to benefit a person has to want change. They have to know that they feel unhappy and want to have a different outcome for themselves, their loved ones and their lives. I can not change how people feel, however, I hope eventually I can help people change they way they think,

Which will change the way you feel.

Staying committed to something can be a challenge for some of us. I sure know it is for me. I want to give up so many times, especially when it gets hard and if I think I have let myself down on a personal deadline. I really believe that until you give yourself permission to feel scared and that it is OK when trying something you are not used to, you won’t be able to have growth.

So many of us fall into a perfectionist mindset which really isn’t about being perfect at all, see my post about it here.
However, there are many people and you might be one of them that falls into a rut mindset. meaning, you feel stuck and pushing forward is difficult.

When I see myself falling into a rut, the first thing I need to do is recognize that I am in a rut. I mean naming it as Brene Brown says, is half the battle. Then I do these 3 things daily.

I tell myself to have courage and always be kind

A long time ago my son bought me a rock that said have strength. I have it in my car to this day. We gave it to my dad during heart surgery and my mom during a time a mourning. The rock is special because of its intent. Ever since then I decided that I would always have courage, no matter the size, and do things with a kindness intent.

As long as I am true to myself, I am being authentic

Our values and beliefs play a big role in who we are. I mean of course our past does too. If I am true to myself and being authentic in my goals then I can know I am being my best self always. I know that not everyone is going to like me, or like what I have to say. I have learned that its ok for others to not agree, and I am OK with this. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I like to think about how I can learn something from others as well as share my own opinion.

Give yourself permission to feel scared

I used to think something was wrong with me because I was so sensitive, or emotional. I felt afraid and it held me back. There are still many things that make me afraid, for example jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane, and I may never do it, however, there are many things that I know I can be afraid to try and its ok to be scared to do it. I might fail, and thats ok too, because I tried.

So Lets get to it. My 3 ways that I stay on track to staying committed no matter what!
(OK maybe 5 things)

  1. Having an end goal with a time frame
  2. Research ~ read, listen and watch
  3. Always Try ~
  4. Be consistent ~
  5. Never give up ~

Having an End Goal

I found as I got older and after kids, that I needed to take of my finances much better as I didn’t want to work until I died. I saw my parents bust their butts working and in the end, although grateful for their experiences, financially they did not have much left.

By putting a time frame on my goal to retire, for example, i now am adding some sense of urgency and push for myself. I do realize that I need to have a minumim financially in order to obtain my goals and so needed to research how I would approach this in the quickest and non devasting way. I also made sure that my goal in reaching the finaical security i will need to retire I would be doing something that brings me happiness and that I am passionate about. This allows me to keep on stiving for my goals because I love doing it.

Lastly by adding that time frame, I broke it into obtainable steps. I gave myself time knowing that I still had obligations within my life that needed to be filled and so without stretching myself to thin, am trying for balance so that I can be successful.


OMG I am so grateful for the research and how in the 21st century we have Google. There is, yes, so much information out there, however, access to the information is amazing. So much freedom. And, even though having so much choice was overwhelming at times, having so much choice allowed me to find my own voice and my own community of like minded individuals.

I started by reading and reading and reading. Then started watching You Tube channels, and listening to podcasts. I still need more to learn, so one thing at a time.

Always Try

If I always show up with effort then how can I go wrong?

Be consistent

If I say that I am going to post every week or at least twice a month then I am giving myself a mission. I do not judge myself I just write and just random at this time.


No matter what hang in there, I tell myself. By going public I am holding myself accountable. By holding myself accountable, I am holding myself to achieve success.

I hope you feel inspired by some of these tips, and please let me know in the comments below.
Remember to like and follow me on Facebook and Subscribe so you don’t miss another post.

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