Overwhelm while organizing is a common theme. How to move those feelings of can’t do, to I’ve got this!

OK, Hey ya all! So I know without a doubt we have all felt overwhelmed before and it really depends on what each of us are doing, however, that overwhelmed feeling happens to everyone at some point. I do not know about you, but I am the type that needs to keep that overwhelm in check regularily. There is so much advice out there and there is nothing more annoying when you finally ask for help and someone says, why don’t you YouTube it?

If I YouTubed it, I would not be asking for help already, duhhhhh!

So, being a single mom of 2 teen boys and having International students in a small house can get very cluttery very quick. I am sure we have all (single moms or moms alike), thought that if everyone just took care of their own stuff, this would not be a problem.


Even when we pick up after ourselves, the fact is, so much comes into the house even when you are not purposely bringing it in. For example, newspapers. Yes they can be recycled, yes you can also ask to not get them. I personally like the local paper and even though I can look it all up online it is not the same then taking a few minutes to yourself and reading some local news. so in they come.

Hoodies and Shoes. OMGawd! The hoodies, damp or wet from outside on the back of the couch on the couch or even on the floor or kitchen table. Oh, that is what the hooks are for!
And the Shoes. Every mom knows that without a dumping closet, where do the shoes go? Yes in the front entrance or in front of the couch or in the middle of the hall, or one shoe upstairs and the other buried under all the other shoes that we cannot find the matching pair for.

  • Of course there are many other ways we can clutter up.
    • We run out of time.
    • We start thinking about all the ‘stuff’, however, we do not know what to do with it.
    • we can’t keep up with the amount coming in verses the amount going out.

Logically we have read many lists online, many ways on how to organize or steps on how to start. Even reading these articles make me overwhelmed. What about you?

So, OK. What now? It took me all summer to tackle my shed, and another whole day to get it 90%done. It got done, and I did de-clutter but not without the overwhelm, even with all the advice and lists and how too’s.

You can view my video on Instagram

i did not have a partner to help and yes I could have asked my teen boys to help, lets be honest though, I really had my own ideas and I sure didn’t feel like explaining everything to the boys as I would have gotten myself frustrated trying to get it done and explaining all I wanted done at the same time as trying to actually do it. Especially when I really wasn’t 100% sure how I was going to tackle it either.

The start

I stared at the shed for about an hour. lol! I mean I had to have an idea in my mind right? I even asked my mom to come out and keep me company, thinking it would help me get focused. I opened the door and literally thought looking in, oh this isn’t so bad and began emptying everything laying it all out on the grass in the back yard.

Wholly crap! a lot of stuff in a small shed.

I was feeling fairly proud of myself once I had everything out. i knew that I had stuff however, once it was all out on the lawn, I couldn’t believe it. Now what? I decided I needed to stare at the shed again as my original plan of rebuilding the shelves etc…. was not going to work. You would have to know that my shed is not an insulated garage but really just a glorified garden box. I opened all the lids of totes to see what was being stored and then decided I would start with the garbage pile. I methodically went through each bin and started going through the questions.

  • When did I last use this?
  • Where would I use this?
  • Will I use this in the next month, 6 months?
  • Do I really need it now?

Then the series of questions.

  • Garbage?
  • Thrift store or giveaway?
  • Sell it?
  • Store it?

Once I had everything sorted I needed to figure out how I was going to put it all back in the shed. I was trying to rebuild one shelf and as i realized that I needed a saw to cut lumber and needed help holding boards up and the day was slipping away and I was giving up my whole day to do this and I was so hot because of the weather (and menopause) and, and, and…

And then…….

I broke down and cried. All these negative thoughts went through my brain and I started to feel sorry for myself. Resentment set in.

Realizing that I needed to stop what I was doing soon I needed a new plan and crying about it was not going to help me get it done.

The Overwhelm

I ended up in my frustration thinking, who cares, so what.

I decided to put away the must haves in the current shelves, leaving the top shelf alone as I had some roof repairs to do. Once I gave myself permission to not have to build the shelf at that moment, I immediately relaxed and calmed down. As i stocked up the shed with the sorted items, I remembered that if I had to move, I would have to move all the stuff too, and having everything have a home will make my life feel freer and calmer.

The overwhelm may hit you, and may even hit you hard. The thing to remember is acceptance, resilience, persistence and forward thinking will prevail. Yes looking online will help, as there are so many ideas on organization.

I think in the end, though, YOU just NEED a plan to do it, and then JUST START.

Moving through the overwhelm will help you with the next reorganizing project because you will now know what to expect. Also know that you are defiantely not alone in this feeling, and becoming self aware is just half the battle.

let me know in the comments below if this helped you move forward in your project or organizing day. i can fill you with tons of information on the how to organize, that is really personal as I have know idea what you find important. Stick with it.

In the meantime, stay real, stay positive and never give up!

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