Snow Days are the Best!

Omygoodness, I am so excited. I woke up so tired and was looking at my clock, not wanting to get up. It was so dark still, so I rolled over and my reminder comes on 30 min later and it literally, was so hard this AM. I’m procrastinating and for some reason I looked and noticed a new email notification on my phone and I decided to look at it which I don’t usually do until I am ready or at least awake and up. I think honestly it was because I wanted another excuse to not get up, and you will not believe it. A snow day! I didn’t have to work. I was like totally, oh so happy, elated at the free day. I was about to get ready and didn’t have to. I felt so grateful. It was as though I had this free day because it was an unexpected non work day.

I now had the day to figure out my new ideas and put them into an achievable action plan. I had an artistic idea that will turn out beautiful and then a new house plan which is progressive and new money management plans which will help me get closer to my financial goals. So stoked on how everything started to come clear and I felt positive about how I wanted to move forward. I also felt that all my decisions in the past had better clarity as well, because they brought me to my life as it is now.
2020, hey what does it bring? I recently heard on CBC, I listen to this a lot, well, they were talking about resolutions and what are your thoughts on making them. I was one of those in the past to make resolutions and then be all gung ho, just to not follow through because it wasn’t what I expected. I then had to start thinking about why I wasn’t following through. The New Year. Some celebrate it, some think meh, and some make resolutions. I view it as a fresh start. Take a breather and either keep moving in the place you are currently heading and making you happy, or create new paths to take. Ultimately to reach the same goals.

Many of the callers that had called into that particular show on CBC, were thinking the same, “why bother, just be your best every day, and there shouldn’t be an excuse to fail.” I somewhat agree, but there is a part of me that says, sometimes I need and maybe others too, need that accountability. Once things are public or even shared with a few friends you are held accountable for what you say. And nowadays a person’s word that is truthful, is hard to find. So honestly, what you say needs to have value and for me, building that was a good first step in taking action towards my goals.

My ideas flow around me like crazy. I explore them all and sometimes they are ridiculous and I throw them out. But sometimes, they make sense and all of sudden other areas of my life start to fit together.

OK so here’s an example, 8 years ago I got divorced and bought this house. I had a plan about what to do around the house. Right now since I bought the house with the intention to flip it, I have since changed my plan. So the longer term plan is around ten years. The plan is retirement and what that might look like. What still needs to happen around the house and how do I want to live in it. Now of course, the paths I take may change and how I achieve these goals may also change. I just like having some direction in order to have a place to start.

I also turn the big 50 this year and so what big decisions will I make to make this year grow and prosper to its fullest potential. So, I will, I am thinking, have many revelations and will share as I go. Maybe not all of them because I don’t want to bore you however, the ones I think are interesting.

Until then stay real and hang in there as I start to add photos and short links to videos on Instagram.

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