How do we overcome Insomnia and get comfy? Sleep will prevail!

Well Happy May!

As I sit here thinking about my day, I was pondering this next write. I have been writing about growth mindset, some of the topics that I am working through,


Wasting time

Feeling grateful

Sticking to a plan


Parenting boys

Social being/coping during Covid-19

When to suck it up (negativity)

Of course, many more topics to work through, and I will for sure be touching up on these again as well.

Today though, I am bringing up sleep.

Health Canada says that at least 30% of Canadians suffer from a sleep disorder and less is known for women insomnia.

And men, well they don’t go through menopause, but I am sure, go through their own stuff, and I am not making any predictions on how it affects men, as I am not a man, and do not want to speak for them. I am curious though, that if a man is reading this, please let me know what insomnia challenges you have and what have you done to help with this.

I get so frustrated when I just lay there, in my bed, after practically falling asleep on the couch and then, suddenly, awake when I finally get to my bed.

I struggle to relax and what one would think is a basic life skill, I seem to not have mastered.

Now I realize that many people have different sleep schedules and, with different environments comes different health. I also realize there are many “remedies” to help with this sleep issue, however, I have tried many of them already.

During this pandemic, I thought, hey I am home more now, so I think I will be able to get my sleep under control. But no,

I have tried, no gluten, no sugar, caffeine free coffee, decaffeinated tea, herbal tea, natural sleep aids; such as melatonin and U dream, edibles. Essential oils and different vitamins as well.

I exercise at least 5 times a week and usually mid-morning so its not elevating me at night.

So why then?

Now I am almost 50. So here comes the next phase. For those of you reading that are under 50 and younger even, this issue has not yet arrived, however for those of you the same age, I am thinking you may also be suffering with this.


This is another thing that affect women differently. For me, it has been bringing me night sweats, well day sweats too, and this is a huge hormonal factor I do not seem to have any control over.

Dr. Ram Randhawa, is a psychiatrist at UBC and has mentioned that insomnia does seem to be a larger challenge among women. Take a listen here:

Sleep is different in Women than in Men

Because sleep does manifest differently among women then in men, there are underlying issues that could be the cause. For me, I know there are a couple extra things that need to be done that I have not yet challenged myself doing. If I can just get a better psychological understanding as to how sleep effects me, then I think I will be able to dig deeper into the actual problem and learn how to rectify the situation.

Going to bed at an earlier time every night

making my bedroom clear of clutter and a calm space to be

Taking my device out of my room

Not watching TV late or before I go to bed

More consistent meditation

Journalism, to try and get control of any underlying thoughts that keep me up

Productivity verses Mental Health

One thing, I have realized, is I have the mentality of ‘what’s next’ and then thinking about it to much.
I find that as my day goes on, and like I had said in a previous post about wasting time, I find myself wanting to be productive, because being productive helps me feel confident.


Feeling confident comes from our thoughts so if I am not productive, then my thoughts tell me I did not finish what I expected myself to. So at the end of the day, like after dinner, after cleaning, after organizing any clutter, after taking on new projects, paying bills, and finishing work, etc. Its almost as though I don’t want the day to end because I have not finished and Uhg, I have to tackle it all again tomorrow and then some.

Is it a subconscious thought that is preventing me from moving into tomorrow and therefore, not allowing me to sleep? A very interesting contemplation that I will take into consideration as I move into learning how to be a better version of myself. I want to be healthier; I want to have more time; I want to be productive with confidence.

And sleep will prevail.

So, with that I will ask myself, what is it about tomorrow that makes me nervous, makes me worried, makes me flail around doing tons but nothing at all? it is a cognitive behaviour.
I ask you, what is it that keeps you awake?
How are you able to find sleep?

Let us all find sleep, try and keep healthy, continue to practice, practice, practice. When in doubt, always try, be consistent and never give up.

Stay real, stay positive, cheers.

Remember to subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out any new content or interaction. see ya there!

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