After Spring Break Working from Home. Having tons of time, yet no time at all.

Hi guys! WOW what a week! I mean it wasn’t bad or anything but boy, trying to get organized and back on track. Challenging. I can’t believe how my first week back to work went, while still self-isolating during this Covid19 pandemic after spring break.

I was preparing for my very first virtual staff meeting with my school. Here’s a laugh a coworker sent to me. I posted it on Facebook but here it is directly. As we move through our new ‘norm” for now, I’m like thinking, how are we going to teach and support our kids? Most of the provinces and territories in Canada have shut down schools however, here we are in BC, moving forward, in a weird pandemic kind of way.

I am thrilled and optimistic about the moving forward part, yet, nervous at the same time about the moving forward part.

 I still found it difficult though, to move through mentally, to a routine when it came to Monday, March 31st.

I sort of had a plan.

Like I knew I was going back to work but, didn’t know how that might look for me. Also realizing that, wasting time and using my time effectively in a different way, are different from each other. A typical work day back in the day….

I used to after a longer break, literally, just:
       Set my alarm, force myself to get up and start my normal routine. Put kettle on, hop in shower, take kettle off and make coffee, get dressed, wake up boys, load car, drive to work. Routine at work, leave work, either go to second job or grocery shop or haul boys around, make dinner, clean up, bed. I mean I think most of you know the drill.

So I know logically, that I am not alone. Now that we are more home bound I find myself thinking about other ways to build routine. So I am trying to structure my time, in order to create more time for myself. I want to still be moving forward in reaching my bigger goal, I just don’t want to keep adding stress to myself. So I found this cool quick list on how to de-stress. Its one thing to know how and another to actually do it.

First day, Monday, I was navigating through the new app Teams through Microsoft, then answering emails coming in for work and my boys. I basically sat on my butt for 6 hours while on the phone either talking in a virtual meeting or typing at my computer.
I finally got outside in the afternoon and did some landscaping for my friend (as a job).

Second day, Tuesday, my virtual job and answering emails in office, finally got outside in my garden. Realized after speaking to my bestie (who is an amazing gardener) that I planted the seedlings to early and I killed them all. Duh I blamed it all on the birds. Redo

Third day, Wednesday, working with my friend who is special needs, so we made window hearts, I put them into people’s mailboxes for their window and we walked Molly (our little Shih Tzu/Multipoo cross). I actually really enjoyed that and would like to do more. Hmmm Its happening all over the world, read more about it here.

Fourth day, Thursday, same morning and then in the afternoon I ventured to the grocery store. I have to say, I know people are doing all the right things. There is tape and arrows marking the floor as to know where to stand in the social distancing and signs everywhere, reminding people of the rules. It’s so quiet in the aisles, and people seem awkward, myself included, when you have to pass someone in the aisle for example. Do you just wait behind them as they linger trying to decide what cucumber to grab? Since we all were trying to go through the isles following the arrows and basically all staying 6 feet apart, I felt stressed, about wanting to be respectful to the social distancing but also not wanting people to think I wasn’t respectful of the social distancing.

The fifth day back, Friday.


My now established morning routine, was still slow but consistent. I was up, emails, virtual check in’s, and in the afternoon I helped another friend with some landscaping (again as a job) and it was nice to get out.

I had gone to the dump and the social distancing was well taken care of there.

This now brings me to what to talk about.

I have tons of time yet no time at all.


What are you all doing for a routine?
Do you think a routine is a good idea?

So many ways we can teach, learn, and connect by sharing online through all of these new norms.
Take new risks to step outside the box and create a new way of communicating.

Which is another reason I posted little videos on Instagram.

They are not very professional and I am learning about featured image etc. When I figure it out I will let you all know. So they are rough, raw and real, for sure. My eldest son and I were talking the other day and I said, “Ya, my last video wasn’t really that good, and it didn’t upload the way I wanted it to.” He’s like, “why did you post it then?” I’m like, well, it was my moment in my day, and I am sure that anyone looking at the video have a choice. They can either, think it’s cute, or think it’s stupid. I’m learning and posting on social media is new. The whole point is to not be perfect and be ok with taking risks as I learn this new technology and styles of how to reach out and connect with people.

Ok so listen, I have been reading, blogs, books, listening to podcasts, as honestly, I am sure many of you are too, especially now during this time of self isolating. We are either reading online or listening online or viewing online. You are hearing, or reading, what other people are doing to occupy their time and how they are coping with their surroundings either personally or politically. Right now, in 2020, the main focus in the world is slowing the spread of this pandemic. I really do not want to focus on the Covid19, as doom and gloom because there is enough of that in the world already. I think the Universe is telling us something.

Maybe forcing us to sit back and breathe?
Stay home and appreciate family? Or reach out and seek help.

It is during this time, I think, that connection is most important and how learning how to communicate with this new technology is crucial. I also believe that this may become part of our new norm moving forward. For some, such as myself, technology does not come naturally. I do not learn very easily and the Internet and computers are very intimidating at times. I have heard of so many mistakes being made and how social media can hurt people, how social media can mess things up if not careful. I have also benefited tons from others online.

 I have been looking up different self-help and mindset pages to just, you know, feel better and learn.  To practice new ideas that resonate with me and get excited when they prove to be successful. Listening to Podcasts, and learning new ways to move forward and it also allows me to ask the questions that make me think perhaps, in another way. Or not.
Again it’s the learning about connection and communication and how personal growth mindset is important to live happy.

Be proud of your best self.

For all that have taken the time to read, like and follow my Facebook, Instagram and my blog, Thank you so much. Please tell me if you’d like more pictures, or more directed topics, videos etc. If you are not an Instagram follower that’s ok, I would love to find ways for you to connect with what I am trying to say and or do. I would love to hear from you. Tell me what resonates with you.

Thanks for hanging in there with me.
Remember to follow me on Instagram if you’d like to see more moments in my day. Like or follow my Facebook page, where I try to share new articles, quotes and other information I come across.

Stay real, cheers for now.

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