COVID 19! How are we all coping?

I know this topic is talked about sooooo much and it’s scary. I don’t want to say the same things everyone else is saying. Yet…I mean, we are all supposed to stay positive. Right? We know that money from the government is coming and we will come out of this stronger. I really hope you all find time for yourselves. It is true, never before have we been able to save the earth by laying around and watching TV doing nothing all day. I read on Facebook, make this crisis less an emotional roller coaster. Check out this virtual roller coaster for entertainment purposes.

Well, here we are,
social-distancing, self-isolating.

IS it weird to… actually like the fact that there are no cars on the roads?
        Like, when I drive around town, it is seriously dead. I mean kind of creepy, ghost like. I look around and so many businesses are shut down and parking lots have very few cars. I am wondering, is the Universe doing its job and it’s forcing us to stop and breathe? Appreciate mother earth as it heals itself. Like the canals of Venice. Clear.

I find myself moving into the wish I had phase. I find that interesting because I really don’t wish for anything in particular so I needed to dig deeper to understand where this particular thought was coming from.

Am I feeling stress about the financial uncertainty?

Am I falling into the hoarding psyche? The OMG! I don’t have this and I might need it, just in case.

I am not a hoarder, and on the contrary I am trying very hard to move through these next phases of my life with enthusiasm and less intensity. I know what I need. I know what I want. Now, it’s time to find balance and to be able to comfortably follow my personal steps, my personal goals.

 Knowing the difference between; having a need, verses a want and living my life with purpose and authenticity.

Everything I own having a home, and everything else is moving out.

Some spring cleaning is in order. A friend was so grateful adding this list for all of us to follow. lol

I am really grateful for everything I have. I decided to purge and not feel guilty (a wasted emotion, as it implies you have done something to apologize for) that I have to stay inside. Lucky really. Check out my kitchen counter. before and after

I actually got rid a an address book I had for over 18 years and it sat in that one spot on the counter for I think 8 years.

Yes. Gone! thrift store it goes

And my office. Receipts and paid bills filed, after 5 months sitting in my ‘to do’ basket. lol before and after

I’m still on spring break and my boys decided to spend time up the mountain creating their own snowboard park. Since the mountain is shut down to the public the boys thought they would find another way to practice, get outside and still be self -distancing.

I am able to get into my yard. I decided that I would try a random project for under the deck as my original project is financially not viable at the moment. I will take pictures and keep you all posted on that.

So I also thought as I rip apart some old pallets and have files to destroy, maybe we could have a bomb fire. I picked up some hot dogs but do you think I could find hot dog buns anywhere? I decided to try and order online as I usually do to stay on budget. My mom and I spent over an hour getting online, order everything and then can’t find a time slot.  One opens up for 5 days later and within minutes those times are filled up. Try again and the next available time is 7 days later for pickup.  As we go to place order, many things pop up, unavailable at this time. I still can’t even purchase toilet paper.

Toilet paper doesn’t even come up on the screen.

Now hotdog buns, bread, eggs, milk, like seriously people! There are 6 people in my house. Thank goodness mostly boys and so the toilet paper not as serious an issue.

So enough about that. How are you all doing? I enjoy seeing ideas of others to do list, for self-isolating. One friend posted a goofy picture of herself and had people post duplicate copies of themselves making the same morning face. It was actually quite funny. Maybe we need to try and get some humor going. What do you think? Post a comment below if you think we need to try something.

In the meantime, follow me on Instagram to see various pictures and videos for your entertainment and interest. Please understand, you are not alone in this. I’m guessing you all realize this, I am just reiterating everything you all already know. Like and follow my Facebook page, stay with me, stay real and wash your hands, be safe. Let’s have fun. Cheers.

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