9 Things that can help with your relationship with TIME and 3 must do’s that keep you in a growth Mindset

Wow what a week! I don’t even know where to start. Let’s start with sleep deprived and exhaustion. I not only slept in before work, I actually fell asleep on my 30 min lunch! like, OMG!

I do struggle with insomnia. I find that my mind is so busy with thoughts that my mind is so busy and I just do not find time to sleep.


So Time!

I have blogged about time before. I have talked about wasting time and frustration with procrastination. I have spoken about I do not have a good relationship with time and therefore struggle with staying organized. Time is continuous and the fact that we wish time would stop sometimes is an understatement.

In this 21st century, I have noticed how busy everytwhere has gotten in the world. The towns and cities are growing so fast we need to take down trees to build housing. Yet we still have homeless people living in tents in the parks. I grew up so remotely that change there and even time, was slower and until I came to city for last parts of high school, I never noticed how fast things changed around me.

because I fell asleep during my lunch, and let’s not forget this is the same day i slept in, I had to take a look at myself, What in the world did I do that actually caused me to be so tired? Physically I am not an athlete. Like I do not run everyday, or have long cardio endurance, however I am quite energetic on a normal day. I work with kids and I find that when I am in a rested state of mind I am much more positive and I have way more energy.

So why Then? So Tired?

Can I blame everything on aging? Maybe my diet? Maybe a lack of exercise? Maybe a touch of negativity?

I believe that the more we talk about change the more we think about change. In order to move towards making change, we need to have self-awareness.
When time gets ahead of me, I tend to forget what I am doing because I feel so rushed. I think I won’t have enough time to finish the task or project if I get started. Many thoughts and feelings start to follow this pattern and I end up right at the negativity thinking patterns. Overwhelm,, rushed, and then it follows with feelings of failure because I couldn’t complete the task.

Example I had a drain issue in my back yard. The yard was a tad lower in this one area and the water dripping from the new roof on the patio cover, was causing major water to be deflected towards the gym I made under the deck towards the house. It was a job that I needed to figure out but didn’t know how to do. I mean I had an idea, just the sheer job was intimidating. I didn’t want to dig up the lawn and then not be able to complete it before the rains came.

So I spent my whole Saturday digging, watching You Tube videos and reading how to install a drain trench. So I dug and filled and then it was dark. My first thought….will it work, and man I wasted my whole Saturday.


Was it Wasted Time though?

No, because now that it is done, even though a temporary fix, it works and it solved the problem. Also it made me dry out the gym area, deal with the Poly walls by stapling them better and giving the whole place a general tidy. I mean it is still an outdoor space, however now it is easier to be in the space until I have the time and money to actually concrete the floor in.

So strategies I use?

I am not perfect and every day I am recovering more and more from perfectionism. This understanding and acceptance has been huge in my growth mindset.

I try not to take on more than I can handle now. I remember hearing a saying about Multitasking.

Either try and take on one task and do it well or take on many and do them half assed.

I tend to make lists. I plan out my day every day. Sometimes when I leave in to work in the morning and ask the boys what do you guys want for dinner and they reply with we haven[t even finished breakfast yet how can we even think about dinner. However, if I do not plan my dinner, when I get home I will be strapped and uptight because I was not prepared.

I try and use my phone more for reminders, calendar notices. I also have a book to help keep track and other management tools are accessible either via app stores, software or paper products if you are not a tech kind of person.

Schedule time for certain projects. And decide the best time for you and the most productive time. For me I am a mid morning kind of person for major projects as I love the slow start. When I am working my day job, I find that I do smaller tasks during the week, as my window of productivity before being a mom or doing home stuff, is less than on the weekends. So I try to plan accordingly.

I also find that I must be in a quiet or at least focused area. Sometimes I head down to the beach and type on my phone or research on my phone before heading home as I can focus without questions, or the distractions of dirty dishes and getting dinner started, etc…I find I almost look for other things to do so I am not facing the challenge of trying something new that scares me.

Take time for myself and remember that when one falls asleep during their lunch, the body is definitely trying to tell you something.

2 Major things I struggle with still.

Saying no.
I mean I remember when a friend said, “you do realize that No is a sentence, right?”

Delegating Work.
I often have a tendency to try and do everything myself, bitch while I am doing it and then be mad at myself because it took so long to do. Like seriously? How is this working out for me?

Its NOT.
So I do what I can and actually have been getting better at asking for help either from the boys and/or my mom and/or a friend.

Remember and try to do these 3 things everyday,

  1. Do something that makes you happy every day. Whether it is a 30 min hot shower, going and spoiling yourself with a treat, driving to the beach to spend some time, or having a nap. Whatever it is for you, do a MINIMUM of one thing.
  2. Do one thing new. One thing that requires you to either step outside your comfort zone, or one thing that you have not tried before. One thing new allows for growth.
  3. and NEVER GIVE UP! Always try, be consistent. You are what you think and you are what you do. So figure out what you need to find that motivation that will kick your ass into action.

That’s it.! Those are my current strategies and I will continue to take them and adjust those strategies as long as I can, Tell me what you do? Leave a comment below if you have ever tried these strategies or have your own, or do you think these will these benefit you?

In the meantime, stay real, stay positive and never give up!

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